问题: 为什么选择金捷会计师事务所?
2 金捷会计师事务所与同样收费低廉的英国会计师事务所相比,服务更专业;
3 金捷会计师事务所为客户提供中英文双语服务;
Question: Why BHJ Jones Accountancy?
• Comparing with the other UK accountancy firms, BHJ Jones charge the cheaper price.
• Comparing with the low cost UK accountancy firms, BHJ Jones’ accountants have the higher professional qualification
• BHJ Jones Accountancy provides the accounting services in Chinese and English.
Question: Will you be able to save me tax?
Answer: We make sure our clients pay as little tax as legally possible. We achieve this by ensuring that they claim for all of the expenditure that they are entitled to and by making sure they are operating in the most tax efficient way.
Question: Does it matter if I am not local to you?
Answer: No. We have very good lines of communication with our clients through personal visit, telephone, email, post and live chat. Our accountants even work outside of business hours and can answer any queries you may have.
Question: Do I have to let my previous accountant know I am changing?
Answer: No. We will send a standard letter with your signature to your previous accountants to inform them of the change and to request any information we need including your books.
答案:金捷会计师事务所根据对签约客户的服务内容的不同,对客户是否需要每个月向金捷提供交易记录的要求有所不同。如果客户只要求金捷编制年账并报税,客户可以在每年年底将会计记录和银行对账单提供给金捷。 如果客户需要金捷代理申报增值税,金捷则需要客户提供每个季度相关的会计记录。如果客户需要金捷代理记账并每月编制管理会计报表,金捷则需要客户每月提供相关会计记录和凭证。
Question: Do I send my records to you monthly?
Answer: It depends. If we are completing your accounts and returns then usually annually would suffice. If we are also completing your VAT returns then we would request your records every quarter, and if we complete monthly management accounts for you, we would need to see your records on a monthly basis.
Question: What if I join you in the middle of my financial year?
Answer: If you were to join us in the middle of your financial year then you simply sign up our service engagement letter and pay the correct fee. We will contact your current accountant on you behalf and do the rest for you.
答案:金捷会计师事务所采用固定收费方式,固定收费价格透明,经双方同意写进合同后,金捷保证在规定的服务范围内不另加收任何费用。如果客户选择金捷会计师事务所的 “一站式” 服务,金捷的报价将包括客户的所有会计税务服务项目。详细情况和报价请联系金捷会计师事务所,联系电话:01225 466658 或 07896784723。
Question: How does BHJ Jones Accountancy charge us?
Answer: BHJ Jones charge fixed fee and guarantee there is no any hidden charge. If you choose BHJ Jones Accountancy “One Stop Service”, you will receive all services that BHJ Jones Accountancy provided without any extra charge. Please contact BHJ Jones Accountancy for details.
Question: Will I stop the contract at anytime?
Answer: Yes. You can leave at anytime, You need to give us a notice in a month and clear the outstanding fee. We will assist your current accountant and transfer your information to them as they request.